Tips for Remodeling During the COVID-19 Outbreak

As Western New York continues to reopen and Buffalonians return to their normal lives, we will begin to think about all of the remodeling projects that we had to delay for the past few months. While we at Ivy Lea Construction are as excited as you are to get back to work, it’s important that everyone involved in a project—including you, the client—remain safe and healthy. That’s why we’ve put together these few tips on how to remodel your home during the COVID-19 outbreak: 

Start small 

Tips For Remodeling During The Covid-19 Outbreak

The bigger a project is, the more people it will require to work on it. While the crews at Ivy Lea will be taking every step possible to protect you and your family, it might be a good idea to focus on smaller projects rather than big renovations for the time being. This will limit how many people are entering your home, plus, it won’t impact your everyday life as much as a bigger project would. 

Expect some delays 

We want to get your project started and finished as soon as possible, but unfortunately there might be things outside of our control. Shipping issues and product slowdowns caused in other industries by the coronavirus may mean that we can’t get the materials needed for a project as soon as we normally would. 

Section off an area of your home 

In order to maintain social distancing, it’s a good idea to section off the part of your home that is being renovated. If possible, have the construction crew use only one entrance, while your family uses another.  

Always practice good hygiene 

Finally, good hygiene is one of the best ways to prevent and limit the spread of the coronavirus. Wash your hands regularly throughout the day, wear a mask when around other people, and follow the CDC’s other guidelines here. 

Here at Ivy Lea Construction, we want to make sure that everyone involved in a project stays safe during these times. To learn more about the steps we’re taking during the COVID-19 outbreak, contact us today