Everything You Need to Know About Foundation Cracks

Everything You Need To Know About Foundation CracksIf you have cracks in the foundation of your home, your first reaction may be complete and total panic. Is my home structurally sound? Will this cost an arm and a leg to fix? Should I attempt to DIY the problem? Read on to learn more about foundation cracks and determine how worried you should be about yours.

Not all cracks are created equal

HouseLogic.com has a handy list ranking the seriousness of different types of cracks. Hairline cracks in mortar between concrete blocks are rarely a big deal, but horizontal cracks almost always cause alarm.

Some cracks aren’t even signs of a major issue

For example, angular cracks in the top 12 to 16 inches of a brick wall laid directly on top of a concrete foundation will likely appear every summer as the brick expands, and do not need to be repaired. Basement floor cracks of a half-inch or more are another story, and are definitely a reason to contact a professional contractor.

However, termites love cracks

Termites can slip through a crack just 1/64 of an inch wide, so if you live in a termite-prone area consider getting your home evaluated and your cracks fixed.

If you have cracks in your foundation, don’t panic – call a professional. Don’t be tempted to try and fix the problem yourself – only the pros know how to truly address foundation cracks. If you’re in the Buffalo area, call Ivy Lea Construction at 716-875-8654. We’re professional, affordable contractors who will have your foundation cracks fixed in no time.